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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query mitt romney. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ann Romney Republican National Convention Full Speech 2012, Talks About Women, The Economy, and Husband Mitt

Mitt Romney's wife, Ann Romney, gave a much-anticipated address to the Republican National Convention on Monday night. There, she spoke of her marriage to Mitt Romney, their family and battles with her multiple sclerosis and breast cancer. She defined why she felt her husband was the leader that America needs at this time in terms that humanized and personalized the Republican presidential nominee.

"I want to talk to you tonight not about politics and not about party," Ann Romney began. "Tonight, I want to talk to you from my heart about our hearts."

Ann Romney said she wanted to talk about the love she has for Mitt Romney, their children and their grandchildren. She also said that she wanted to talk about the love of average Americans, men and women, who labor in anonymity.

"I have seen and heard stories of how hard it is to get ahead now," said Romney. "You know what? I've heard your stories." She said that the women of America feel the burden of America's economic struggles.

"I love you women," exclaimed Romney. "You are the ones that have to do a little bit more and you know what it's like to work a little harder during the day to earn the respect you deserve at work. And then you come home at night and help with the book report because it has to be done."

"You are the best of America," Romney said. "You are the hope of America. There would not be an America without you. Tonight, we salute you and sing your praises."

Ann Romney said that it is the women of America who feel the bad economy the most. She said that there was another way for America's women. "We're too smart to know there aren't easy answers but were not dumb enough to know there aren't better answers," Romney said to applause.

Ann Romney said that her battles with MS and cancer mean her marriage to Mitt Romney is a real marriage and not a "storybook marriage."

She praised her husband's morals and leadership, and ability to work with Democrats -- noting that it was not necessary to agree with him to know he is a strong leader. "No one will work harder, no one will care more and no one will move heaven and earth to make this country a better place to live," said Ann Romney to a standing ovation.

"I can tell you that Mitt Romney was not handed success — he built it," said Romney. She also talked about her husband's business background as a personal mission to help others:

This is important — I want you to hear what I'm going to say: Mitt doesn't like to talk about how he helped others because he sees it as a privilege — not a political talking point. We are no different than the millions of Americans who quietly help their neighbors, their churches and their communities. They don't do it so that others will thank them. They do it because there is no greater joy. Give and it shall be given unto you.

"This man will not fail," Ann Romney concluded. "You can trust Mitt."

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Romney Wins Iowa Nail-biter

LOS ANGELES TIMES: He edges Santorum, with Paul a strong third. Perry's fate is all but sealed with a fifth-place finish.

Reporting from Des Moines— In the closest finish in the history of the Iowa caucuses, Mitt Romney edged out Rick Santorum by eight votes in the first battle for the Republican presidential nomination.

A distant fifth-place finish apparently ended the once-promising candidacy of Rick Perry. The Texas governor, who started as a prime contender for the nomination last summer, broke off plans to fly to South Carolina for more campaigning, and said he was returning home instead to "determine whether this is a path forward."

Santorum rode a late-breaking burst of support after getting counted out by virtually everyone until the final days of a long campaign. His Iowa comeback represented a drastic reversal from his last election night, a 17-point reelection drubbing in 2006.

"Thank you so much, Iowa," said the former Pennsylvania senator, who swapped his trademark sweater vest for a coat and tie to address jubilant supporters in a Des Moines suburb.

The victory strengthened Romney's candidacy heading into next Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, where he enjoys a big lead in the polls and a victory would provide momentum to make him the clear favorite to become the GOP nominee. » | Paul West, Washington Bureau | Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Mitt Romney Wins Iowa by Eight Votes

Mitt Romney beat Rick Santorum by just eight votes in Iowa - the tightest finish in the Republican party's history in the state. Romney won 30,015 votes and Santorum 30,007 after a record turnout of 122,225. Ron Paul came third. The biggest loser was Rick Perry, with only 5% of the vote

Mitt Romney Attacks Obama on Economy During Iowa Caucus Day

Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney targeted Barack Obama on economic issues on Iowa caucus day, as the former Massachusetts governor vowed to 'get America working again'.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

2012 First Presidential Debate - Romney vs. Obama (Full)

THE GUARDIAN: Mitt Romney comes out on top as Obama stumbles in first debate: Republican candidate lifts conservative morale with a strong and forceful performance against a passive, lacklustre Obama » | Ewen MacAskill in Denver | Thursday, October 04, 2012

LE FIGARO: Romney domine Obama lors du premier débat : Face au président sortant, favori des sondages pour l'élection présidentielle américaine, le candidat républicain s'est montré à l'aise et déterminé. Entre les deux hommes, un désaccord sur le rôle de l'État. » | Par Laure Mandeville | D’envoyée special du Figaro à Denver | jeudi 04 octobre 2012

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Pour les médias américains, Romney est le vainqueur : La majeure partie des grands médias d'outre-Atlantique estiment que le républicain s'est montré plus offensif qu'Obama. Mitt Romney est désormais considéré comme un candidat sérieux à la Maison Blanche. » | Newsnet | Par Christine Talos | jeudi 04 octobre 2012

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Romney sticht Obama aus: Mit diesem Ausgang hat kaum jemand gerechnet: Mitt Romney gewinnt das erste TV-Duell gegen Barack Obama. Der US-Präsident wirkte müde und defensiv, sein Herausforderer angriffslustig und gewitzt. Ist das die Wende im Wahlkampf? » | Aus Denver berichtet Sebastian Fischer | Donnerstag, 04. Oktober 2012

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Romney ergreift den Strohhalm: Der Republikaner Mitt Romney hat der ersten Präsidentschaftsdebatte den Stempel aufgedrückt. In Steuerfragen, der Reform der Sozialversicherungen und allgemein der Rolle des Staates war der Kontrast zu Amtsinhaber Barack Obama besonders gross. » | Christoph Eisenring, Washington | Donnerstag, 04. Oktober 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

US Election 2012: Mitt Romney Attacked by Republican Rival for Speaking French

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Newt Gingrich has launched a new political attack advertisement against his Republican rival Mitt Romney – accusing him of speaking French.

The advertisement by Mr Gingrich tries to draw an unflattering parallel with another Massachusetts politician, John Kerry, the Democrat who lost to George W Bush in 2004.

"The French Connection" paints Mr Romney as another tax-raising, moderate, elitist who will "say anything" to get elected – "anything". Over Parisian accordion music, it continues: "And just like John Kerry he speaks French too."

It then delivers its coup de grace: a clip of a promotional video Mr Romney recorded for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Utah, which he served as chief executive.

"Bonjours, je m'appelle Mitt Romney," he says.

The snippet has already been used several times in a documentary, "When Mitt Romney Came To Town", released by supporters of Mr Gingrich to expose Mr Romney's "predatory" record as head of the corporate buy-out firm Bain Capital.

That attempt to denigrate Mr Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, has apparently backfired, with several prominent party figures deriding Mr Gingrich for attacking capitalism and free enterprise.

But Francophobic attacks on Mr Kerry worked in 2004 when feelings about French opposition to the Iraq war were running high. Republicans even said the senator "looked French" when it was learnt he had relatives in the country. » | Alex Spillius, Greenville, South Carolina | Friday, January 13, 2012

Newt, you're full of sh**! To attack a man for being able to speak French is low down. It shows that you have no style or class. You're a populist; and there should be no room for populists in the White House.

If you can't get to the White House on your own merits, then you don't deserve to be there. So go on home, and wait till the next election. By then you might have grown up.
– © Mark

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Gay Mitt Romney Spokesman Resigns

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Republican Mitt Romney's openly gay spokesman on national security issues, Richard Grenell, has resigned, the campaign said on Tuesday, after his hiring led to a backlash from social conservatives.

Richard Grenell, who had worked in previous years in the US mission to the United Nations under Republican President George W Bush, had been hired recently to tackle the foreign affairs portfolio for the all-out-certain Republican nominee Romney.

"While I welcomed the challenge to confront President Obama's foreign policy failures ... my ability to speak clearly and forcefully on the issues has been greatly diminished by the hyper-partisan discussion of personal issues that sometimes comes from a presidential campaign," Mr Grenell said in a statement received by the Washington Post.

"I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team." » | Source: agencies | Wednesday, May 02, 2012

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Schwuler Romney-Sprecher gibt auf: Richard Grenell war nur zwei Wochen im Amt. Jetzt hat der außenpolitische Sprecher des designierten US-Präsidentschaftskandidaten Mitt Romney seinen Rücktritt verkündet: Kritik von Erzkonservativen an seiner Homosexualität habe ihn zu diesem Schritt bewogen. ¶ Washington - Es ist das abrupte Ende einer politischen Karriere: Richard Grenell, außenpolitischer Sprecher des designierten republikanischen US-Präsidentschaftkandidaten Mitt Romney, ist nach knapp zwei Wochen im Amt zurückgetreten. Laut einem Bericht der "Washington Post" deutete Grenell an, dass er seinen Posten geräumt habe, weil Konservative in seiner Partei offen Vorbehalte gegen sein Schwulsein und sein Eintreten für die Homo-Ehe geäußert hatten. Eine "aufgedrehte und voreingenommene Debatte" über persönliche Angelegenheiten würde ihn in seiner Arbeit beeinträchtigen, sagte Grenell demnach.» | hen/dpa | Mittwoch, 02. Mai 2012

WASHINGTON POST: Gay Romney aide steps down, citing backlash over sexuality » | Nia-Malika Henderson and Rachel Weiner | Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Des Moines Register’s GOP Caucus Endorsement: Mitt Romney Is Best to Lead

DES MOINES REGISTER: Sobriety, wisdom and judgment.

Those are qualities Mitt Romney said he looks for in a leader. Those are qualities Romney himself has demonstrated in his career in business, public service and government. Those qualities help the former Massachusetts governor stand out as the most qualified Republican candidate competing in the Iowa caucuses.

Sobriety: While other candidates have pandered to extremes with attacks on the courts and sermons on Christian values, Romney has pointedly refrained from reckless rhetoric and moralizing. He may be accused of being too cautious, but choosing words carefully is a skill essential for anyone who could be sitting in the White House and reacting to world events.

Wisdom: Romney obviously is very smart. He graduated as valedictorian at Brigham Young University and finished in the top 5 percent in his MBA class at Harvard, where he also earned a law degree. Romney also exhibits the wisdom of a man who listened and learned from his father and his mother, from his church and from his own trials and errors in life. He does not lack self confidence, but he is not afraid to admit when he has been wrong.

Judgment: Romney disagrees with Democrats on most issues, but he offers smart and well-reasoned alternatives rather than simply proposing to swing a wrecking ball in Washington. He is a serious student of public policy who examines the data before making a decision. His detailed policy paper on the economy contains 87 pages of carefully crafted positions on taxes, energy, trade and regulatory policy, complete with 127 footnotes.

Mitt Romney is making his second bid for Iowans’ support after an unsuccessful run in 2008. We did not endorse him then, but this is a different field, and he has matured as a candidate. Rebuilding the economy is the nation’s top priority, and Romney makes the best case among the Republicans that he could do that. » | REGISTER EDITORIAL BOARD | Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sunday, October 14, 2012

US Election: How Ann Romney Steered 'Moderate Mitt' Re-think That Resurrected Her Husband's White House Hopes

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate, appeared to be heading for defeat until his wife Ann intervened to soften his image

In the brutal cut and thrust of the final month of the US presidential campaign, it is no surprise that Mitt Romney's wife Ann is hitting the hustings as an impassioned advocate for her husband.

But Mrs Romney is also playing a key behind-the-scenes role in resurrecting the Republican candidate's flagging White House hopes by steering a high-stakes strategy overhaul to present a "moderate Mitt", it has now emerged.

Convinced that his campaign was heading for ignominious defeat, Mrs Romney and her eldest son Tagg staged a make-or-break "family intervention" with the candidate's closest advisers just before the first presidential debate, according to leaks from within the camp.

Their message to Mr Romney and his advisers was simple -- the candidate should "be himself" and his team should let "let Mitt be Mitt".

They wanted Mr Romney to open up with more personal anecdotes in his speeches, to soften his harsh tone on social issues and to remind voters of his days as governor of Massachusetts when he struck deals with the Democrats who controlled the state legislature, most notably on health care reform.

His pivot to the centre has, since the first presidential debate 11 days ago, paid off with dramatic dividends. A candidate whose political obituaries were already being written has had a resurgence in the polls, leading nationally by more than one percentage point on the most recent average of polls on Saturday, compared with a four point defecit at the start of the month.

He has been bolstered further by a dramatic increase in support from prospective women voters as he closes a once-yawning gender gap with Barack Obama. » | Philip Sherwell, New York | Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

US Election 2012: Mitt Romney's Wife Ann Thrown into Centre of Women Debate

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney's wife Ann was hurled to the centre of the presidential election, when she was criticised by a Democratic operative for having "never worked a day in her life."

The row began when Hilary Rosen, a strategist who has worked for a number of high-profile Democrats, criticised Mr Romney for using his wife, a stay-at-home mother of five sons, as a surrogate to connect with female voters.

"You have Mitt Romney running around the country saying, well, my wife tells me what women really care about is economic issues," She said on CNN.

"Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life."

Mrs Romney's popularity as a mother and a cancer survivor far outstrips her husband's and within minutes Republicans took to Twitter to hit back at Ms Rosen, criticising her for marginalising women who decided not to go into the workplace. » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Thursday, April 12, 2012

My comment:

Hilary Rosen clearly hasn’t got her priorities straight. She also knows nothing about the work of a stay-at-home mum. Ann Romney chose to stay at home because she could afford to do so. That she did so is to be applauded. She had the courage to go against the tide of feminism. Would that more women could afford to stay at home, would that more women had the commitment to their children to choose a hard alternative to going out into the workplace and earning lots of money. Ann Romney placed the welfare of her children over her own ambition and achievement. How unselfish is that?

Judging by the crisis in child-rearing both that side of the Pond and this, it’s a great pity that more women who have husbands who can afford to allow them to be full-time mothers don’t choose that option. It would free up jobs in the workplace for unemployed fathers and allow mothers to give their children the informal education at home that children today so need. As the Australians would say: Good on ya, Ann!
– © Mark

This comment also appears here

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Barack Obama Calls Mitt Romney 'George' in Latest Election Gaffe

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: President Barack Obama mistakenly confused Mitt Romney with his father George on Monday at a fund-raiser in New York – the latest in a string of election gaffes from US presidential candidates.

During a speech at the New Amsterdam Theater in Times Square, the president mixed up his Republican opponent with former Michigan Governor George Romney while contrasting their economic policies.

“We are not going back to a set of policies that say you’re on your own and that’s essentially the theory of the other side. You know, George Romney,” Mr Obama said.

As the audience roared with laughter at the president's parapraxis, Mr Obama, who was not using an autocue, attempted to explain the mistake before continuing with the speech, later referring to Mitt Romney as “Governor Romney” – a title both men share.

“Governor Romney is a patriotic American, he’s had great success in his life and he’s raised a beautiful family,” the president said. “But he has a theory of the economy that basically says, if I’m maximising returns for my investors, for wealthy individuals like myself, then everybody’s going to be better off.” » | Amy Willis, Los Angeles | Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Mitt Romney: Mister Glückskind

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mitt Romney hat die Vorwahlen in Iowa nur hauchdünn gewonnen, doch die Präsidentschafts-Kandidatur der Republikaner ist ihm wohl kaum noch zu nehmen. Er profitiert von der Schwäche seiner Rivalen - genau das könnte ihm beim Kampf gegen ein anderes politisches Glückskind schaden: Barack Obama.

Amerikaner glauben, dass jeder Mensch seines Glückes Schmied ist. Aber ihre Präsidenten sind manchmal einfach Glückskinder. Barack Obama, ein relativ unerfahrener Ex-Sozialarbeiter, Hochschullehrer und Senator, gewann die Wahl 2008 nur dank einer Trias glücklicher Zufälle: Parteirivalin Hillary Clinton unterschätzte den jungen Parteifreund, Amerikaner ersehnten nach den Bush-Jahren "Change" - und Republikaner-Gegner John McCain entpuppte sich als sehr schwacher Wahlkämpfer.

Obamas Aufstieg begann im Schnee von Iowa, und jetzt ist dort erneut ein politisches Glückskind zu bestaunen: Mitt Romney, Sieger der republikanischen Vorwahlen in dem winzigen Agrarstaat. Dabei hat Romney die Abstimmung nicht einmal deutlich gewonnen, hauchdünn landete er am Dienstagabend vor seinem Parteifreund Rick Santorum, einem Liebling der religiösen Rechten.

Dennoch wird Romney wohl bald schon Obamas offizieller Herausforderer, weil er bestens präpariert die kommenden Abstimmungen in South Carolina und Florida angeht - ganz anders als Santorum, der bislang fast ausschließlich in Iowa um Stimmen buhlte. Anders auch als der Drittplatzierte Ron Paul, ein Idol der Jungen und der Radikalen, der Amerika keine Kriege mehr führen lassen möchte und die US-Notenbank abschaffen will.

Romney, der Ex-Gouverneur von Massachusetts, hat auf seinen Krönungsmoment lange hingearbeitet, er ist seit einem halben Jahrzehnt professioneller Präsidentschaftskandidat. Er ist auch ein besserer Bewerber als bei seinem ersten Anlauf 2008. Damals erschien er vielen Wählern noch wie ein Polit-Roboter.

Aber Romney ist vor allem ein Glückskind, und ihm helfen wie Obama drei glückliche Umstände: Weiter lesen und einen Kommentar schreiben » | Ein Kommentar von Gregor Peter Schmitz, Des Moines | Mittwoch 04. Januar 2012

Thursday, October 13, 2011

US Elections 2012: Mitt Romney Cements Status as Republican Front-runner

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney advanced his status as the front-runner in the Republican primary field with a confident debating performance that led many in the party to conclude that the race to compete against President Barack Obama was now his to lose.

The former Massachusetts governor appeared calm and self-assured as he brushed off barbs from his seven rivals for the nomination and presented his credentials as a businessman with the executive experience to lead the economy out of difficulty.

Though he has yet to win many hearts among the grassroots supporters, he remains on top in the polls and the established apparatus of elected members, donors and commentators is beginning to coalesce around his campaign.

With less than three months before the first nominating contest in Iowa, his rivals are running out of time to dramatically alter the contest.

"He has the experience, organisation and money to compete beyond the early states where he is favoured," said Robert Bennett, a former Republican governor of Utah. "Big name endorsers and donors who have been waiting on the sidelines to see who will be the winner are now showing up in Romney's camp. The fact that the Obama campaign is bashing Romney at every opportunity shows that they also think he will be the nominee. Anything can still happen, but, at the moment, for Romney, the race is his to lose."

The Politico website declared: "Mitt Romney builds case for inevitability," while Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post said: "Much can change between now and January, but unless other candidates change the dynamics of the race, Romney will slowly but surely move to lock up the nomination." » | Alex Spillius, Washington | Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How Mitt Got His Mojo Back: 5 Things He Got Right in Florida

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: More than a dozen polls over the last week all show that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who by his own admission got beaten up badly in the South Carolina primary, is now on the cusp of a dramatic, double-digit Florida primary win.

Backed by millions of campaign dollars, seasoned strategists, and the Republican party establishment, Mr. Romney allowed an insurgent campaign by former congressman and Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich to gain traction in South Carolina – and send his own campaign in to a momentary tail-spin.

But Florida has been an entirely different story. Here are the five things Mr. Romney did right to get his leadership campaign back on track in the Sunshine State. Leading the debate attack » | Affan Chowdhry | Tuesday, January 31, 2012

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: Mitt Romney would rank among richest presidents ever: Just how rich is Mitt Romney? Add up the wealth of the last eight presidents, from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama. Then double that number. Now you’re in Romney territory. » Connie Cass | WASHINGTON | The Associated Press | Saturday, January 28, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire GOP Primary

THE BALTIMORE SUN: Mitt Romney rolled to an easy victory Tuesday in the New Hampshire primary, taking a broad stride toward capturing the GOP presidential nomination as the contest heads south for a pair of potentially make-or-break contests.

The win, forecast by the television networks from exit polls almost immediately after voting ended, would give Romney a one-two sweep in the early balloting of the 2012 campaign, a first for any Republican apart from a sitting president.

The conservative candidates who stand the best chance to stop him as the race heads to South Carolina – former Pennsylvania Sen.Rick Santorum, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry -- were trailing far back and appeared unlikely to get a significant lift from their performance here.

In polling before Tuesday’s election, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. were vying for second place. Santorum, the Iowa runner-up by a handful of votes, and Gingrich were scrambling to create some sense of momentum for their campaigns. Perry abandoned New Hampshire, staking his future on South Carolina.

Romney starts out leading there, too, but that challenge promises to be much more formidable than New Hampshire which, from the start, was a fight to finish second behind the former Massachusetts governor. Unlike Iowa, where leaders came and went atop the polls, no survey ever showed Romney with less than a sizable, double-digit New Hampshire lead.

In South Carolina, however, Romney won't have what amounted to a home-field advantage -- five Massachusetts presidential hopefuls have won the neighboring Granite State in past elections -- and he will face a much different electorate in the first Southern primary next week.

South Carolina has a large and politically important bloc of evangelical voters. Romney will face resistance among some of those Christian conservatives who are suspicious if not downright hostile toward his Mormon faith. In New Hampshire, just 14% of those who voted Tuesday said being a “true conservative” was the most important thing to them, trailing far behind the economic concerns cited by 6 in 10 voters, according to election day interviews by the TV networks.

Romney is also facing a more assertive pack of runners-up. » | Los Angeles Times Staff Writer | Tuesday, January 10, 2012

THE GUARDIAN: Romney raises $24 million » | AP foreign | Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rick Santorum Sweeps Mississippi and Alabama in Blow for Mitt Romney

THE GUARDIAN: Pressure piles on Newt Gingrich to quit as Rick Santorum takes Mississippi and Alabama, with Mitt Romney trailing third

Rick Santorum has made a clean sweep of the Deep South primaries, taking Mississippi and Alabama in victories that put pressure on Newt Gingrich to bow out and set up a showdown in Illinois next week with the struggling favourite, Mitt Romney.

Gingrich came second, with Romney third and Ron Paul a distant fourth. Although Gingrich vowed to carry on, if he cannot win Mississippi or Alabama, he has little chance of winning anywhere else. He goes to Chicago for a fund-raising event on Wednesday and is likely also to hold a post-mortem with his backers to discuss the viability of fighting on.

If Gingrich bows out and the conservative vote rallies around Santorum, he would be well placed to take on Romney in Illinois, one of the biggest states in contention.

Santorum, at an election party in Louisiana, one of the upcoming contests, said there was nothing inevitable about Romney winning the Republican nomination to take on Barack Obama in November, even with all the millions of dollars behind him.

"For someone who thinks this race is inevitable, he spent a whole lot of money against me for someone who is inevitable," Santorum said.

Invoking his faith right at the start of his speech, he said: "I want to thank God for giving us the strength every day to go out there." » | Ewen MacAskill | Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mitt Romney Wins Convincing Victory in Michigan

Photo of Mitt Romney courtesy of Google Images

YAHOO NEWS: DETROIT - Mitt Romney scored his first major primary victory Tuesday, a desperately needed win in his native Michigan that gave his weakened presidential candidacy new life. It set the stage for a wide-open Republican showdown in South Carolina in just four days.

Three GOP candidates now have won in the first four states to vote in the 2008 primary season, roiling a nomination fight that lacks a clear favorite as the race moves south for the first time.

The former Massachusetts governor defeated John McCain, the Arizona senator who was hoping that independents and Democrats would join Republicans to help him repeat his 2000 triumph here. Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, trailed in third, and former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson is making a last stand in South Carolina.

"It's a victory of optimism over Washington-style pessimism," Romney said in an Associated Press telephone interview from Southfield, Mich., echoing his campaign speeches and taking a poke at McCain, the four-term senator he beat. "Now on to South Carolina, Nevada, Florida."

Minimizing the significance of Tuesday's vote, McCain said he had called Romney to congratulate him "that Michigan welcomed their native son with their support." Romney wins convincing Michigan victory >>> By Liz Sidoti and Glen Johnson

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

US Election: Mitt Romney under Growing Pressure to Dump Donald Trump over 'Birther' Row

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney is under growing pressure to cut his ties with Donald Trump after he refused to denounce the businessman for continuing to propagate the so-called 'birther conspiracy' that Barack Obama was born outside the US.

The row over Mr Trump threatened to engulf Mr Romney on the day that he will be officially confirmed as the Republican presidential candidate after voters in the Texas presidential primary pushed him 'over the top', securing him the 1,144 delegates he needed clinch the nomination.

Mr Romney, who was due to be hosted by Mr Trump at a $2m (£1.3 million) fund-raising event in Las Vegas, declined to criticise the property mogul turned reality television star for saying last week that he still believes Mr Obama was born in Kenya.

"I don't agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don't all agree with everything I believe," Mr Romney said on his charter plane en route to Nevada, "But I need to get 50.1 per cent or more and I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people." Repeating the conspiracy theories over Mr Obama's birth has been widely condemned as "dog whistle politics" – or a thinly-veiled attack on the President's race – and leaves Mr Romney vulnerable to accusations that he's tacitly defending racism.

Although Mr Romney has said that he personally accepts that Mr Obama was born in Hawaii, his equivocating response to Mr Trump provoked fierce criticism from both the Obama campaign and commentators in his own party.

The Obama camp released a video comparing Mr Romney's refusal to distance himself from Mr Trump with the conduct of John McCain, the 2008 Republican candidate, who on several occasions publicly slapped down voters who suggested that Mr Obama was not American-born and a Muslim. » | Peter Foster, Washington | Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Related »

Friday, January 27, 2012

Romney Puts Gingrich on Defensive in Florida Debate

REUTERS: (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney took the fight to chief rival Newt Gingrich on Thursday in his most aggressive debate performance yet, five days ahead of Florida's primary vote.

A neck-and-neck race for Florida and its importance for the Republican presidential nomination made for a combustible atmosphere at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville as the candidates sparred repeatedly.

Gingrich, who has displayed a mastery of debating skills during previous debates, was frequently caught flat-footed under attack from Romney who went after his chief rival in an attempt to put his campaign back on track after losing South Carolina last Saturday.

Gingrich and Romney are running close in polls before next Tuesday's primary vote in Florida, the biggest state so far in the early voting for the Republican nomination to face President Barack Obama in November. The most recent polls put Romney ahead.

Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, took umbrage at Gingrich's description of him as "anti-immigrant."

"That's inexcusable," Romney said, turning to his rival. "I'm not anti-immigrant. My father was born in Mexico. ... The idea that I'm anti-immigrant is repulsive. Don't use a term like that." » | Steve Holland and Ros Krasny | JACKSONVILLE, Florida | Friday, January 27, 2012

BBC: Mitt Romney Pulls Away from Newt Gingrich in Florida » | Friday, January 27, 2012

Sunday, November 06, 2011

GOP Set to Embrace Mitt Romney as Candidate Who Can Beat Barack Obama

THE GUARDIAN: The frontrunner exudes confidence as polls suggest he could seize the White House, reports Paul Harris in New Hampshire

Mitt Romney walked into the old Town Hall in the New Hampshire town of Exeter late last week already looking like an American president sent straight from Hollywood. He had the square jaw, the perfect smile and, walking beside him, his gorgeous blonde wife, Ann. He also had a speech that read like a horror movie and described an America in mortal peril of bankruptcy and social chaos.

"If we keep spending like we are spending and borrowing like we are borrowing, at some point we can face what Greece faces," he told a room that was packed to overflowing.

But Romney does not just look the part of president. In the race to be the Republicans' 2012 nominee, and challenge Barack Obama for the White House, Romney is riding high. And with Obama facing the challenge of a worsening economy and anaemic approval ratings, a growing number of commentators believe that the former governor of Massachusetts could be the next occupant of the Oval Office.

He is the undoubted frontrunner in the Republican race, with the rest of the field scrabbling to be the sole "anti-Romney" candidate. One by one, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry looked likely contenders before their bubbles burst and support withered. Now the latest anti-Romney candidate, former pizza magnate Herman Cain, is mired in a sexual harassment scandal.

With less than two months until Iowa and New Hampshire kick off the vital early contests, Romney is sitting pretty. More than a few of those 200 people inside the hall felt they just might be looking at their nominee: their great hope of making Obama a one-term president. "He has the money. He has the experience. Romney is the most well-rounded candidate," said Rene Bonnin, 63, a local retired naval worker. » | Paul Harris in Exeter, New Hampshire | Saturday, November 05, 2011

Sunday, February 26, 2012

US Election 2012: Mitt Romney's Wife Ribs Him for Robotic Manner

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney has long been ridiculed by his political enemies for robotically failing to connect with ordinary people.

But a fresh string of gaffes by the Republican presidential front-runner has now brought ribbing from his most loyal supporter.

“Maybe I should just do all the talking and let him just stand here and watch me,” Mr Romney’s wife Ann said at a campaign rally in Troy, Michigan, over the weekend. As the audience laughed, Mr Romney wore his usual rictus grin.

Mrs Romney, 62, was joking, but only up to a point. If her husband wins a crucial primary election on Tuesday in Michigan, it will only be by the narrowest of margins and her remark exposed Republican nerves made raw by the fact that Mr Romney has failed to inspire enthusiasm even in the state where the couple was born and raised.

He leads Rick Santorum, a Right-wing former Senator, by just two percentage points, according to a RealClearPolitics average of opinion polls. Despite his father having been a popular governor of the state in the 1960s, Mr Romney has not convinced Michiganders that he is their favourite son.

Days after her husband gave an unimpressive performance in the 20th televised debate of the contest to pick an opponent for President Barack Obama, Mrs Romney also declared: “No more debates. If we’re going to do another debate, he’s going to sit in the audience and watch me. And that’ll be it.” » | Jon Swaine, Washington | Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

US Election 2012: Rick Santorum Drops Out of Race

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Rick Santorum dropped out of the US presidential race today, clearing the last remaining obstacle for Mitt Romney to seize the Republican nomination.

Trailing badly in the polls and facing the prospect of a humiliating defeat in his home state of Pennsylvania, Mr Santorum used Gettysburg, the site of the bloodiest battle of the American civil war, to announce his withdrawal.

"We made the decision to get into this race at our kitchen table against all the odds and we made a decision over the weekend that while this presidential race is over for me - and we will suspend our campaign effective today - we're not done fighting," he said.

While he used his brief appearance to attack President Barack Obama, the one-time candidate did not offer any endorsement of Mr Romney, who faces an open road to the Republican nomination.

The former Pennsylvania senator said he had "tried to be a witness" to the struggles of America's middle class and a voice for social conservatives.

"Even when they said we couldn't win, we were winning because we were touching hearts and raising issues that frankly a lot of people didn't want raised," he said. Read on and comment » | Raf Sanchez | Washington | Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My comment:

Rick Santorum is a handsome man who speaks eloquently. Pity is that he is too conservative, too religious, and too frozen in time. Were he to loosen up a little, and leave some of his ante-diluvian ideas behind him, he'd be a very serious contender for the White House. One can only wish him well even if one is relieved that he is out of the race. – © Mark

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TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le républicain Rick Santorum jette l'éponge : Le candidat ultraconservateur suspend sa campagne pour l'investiture républicaine, laissant la voie libre au favori Mitt Romney pour devenir le candidat qui affrontera Barack Obama en novembre. » | AP/Newsnet | mardi 10 avril 2012

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Santorum macht Weg für Romney frei: Das Rennen der Republikaner um den Herausforderer des amtierenden US-Präsidenten ist so gut wie entschieden. Rick Santorum verkündete am Dienstag seinen Rückzug. Jetzt wird Multimillionär Mitt Romney gegen Barack Obama antreten. » | aar/fab/Reuters/dpa/AP/AFP | Dienstag, 04. April 2012