Showing posts with label Malta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malta. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2022

The Only EU Country Where Abortion Is iIlegal - BBC News

Aug 12, 2022 Malta is the only EU state with a ban on abortion, there are no exceptions, including in cases of rape or incest.

Neither of Malta's main political parties supported a bill to decriminalise abortion last year but campaigners hope that a review of the law, along with shifts in social attitudes, could trigger change.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Malta to Legalise Cannabis for Personal Use in European First

THE GUARDIAN: Move by EU’s smallest member state likely to be followed by reform across rest of continent in 2022

Malta will this week become the first European country to legalise the cultivation and possession of cannabis for personal use, pipping Luxembourg to the post, as the continent undergoes a wave of change to its drug laws.

Possession of up to seven grams of the drug will be legal for those aged 18 and above, and it will permissible to grow up to four cannabis plants at home, with up to 50g of the dried product storable.

A vote in favour of the legislation in the Maltese parliament on Tuesday will be followed by the law being signed by the president in order for it to be enacted by the weekend, Owen Bonnici, the minister responsible, told the Guardian.

The move by Malta, the EU’s smallest member state, is likely to be followed by reform across Europe in 2022. Germany recently announced a move to establish a legally regulated market, following announcements from the governments of Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. A referendum in Italy is planned, while Canada, Mexico and 18 US states have already enacted similar legislation. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Monday, December 13, 2021

This is crazy. Nuts! – © Mark

Thursday, July 15, 2021

5 Irresistible Reasons Why Malta Should Be Top of Your LGBT+ Travel List

Enjoying the sun in a Luzzu boat.

PINK NEWS: Malta is generally considered to be one of the most LGBT-progressive countries in the world.

It frequently scores high on the Rainbow Index and is one of five countries in the world to make queer rights equal at a constitutional level.

It’s no wonder, then, that it’s become a major travel destination for queer holidaymakers. It packs a lot into its small archipelago and its surrounding crystal waters, with plenty of culture, history and fun to soak up.

Malta has some of Europe’s lowest COVID numbers (since May 21 the number of total cases has remained under 100) and strongest vaccination rates (half of the population is fully vaccinated).

There’s no quarantine time for fully-vaccinated tourists, and there are financial incentives making hotel stays irresistible this summer.

Here are five incredible reasons to visit the queer jewel of the Meditteranean this summer: » | Sponsored article for Pink News | Monday, June 21, 2021

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Rainbow Bridge: LGBTIQ Migrants in Malta. A Documentary by MGRM

Mar 26, 2021 • This documentary features the lives of three asylum seekers in Malta. It seeks to give light to their lives back in their home country, their journey till they arrived to Malta, their asylum procedure and their new life in Malta. It also envisages to be an educational tool about the struggles of LGBTIQ+ migrants especially during their stay in detention, open centers, asylum claim procedure that can take years and their experiences with homophobia and racism. Finally, this documentary wants to portray the human story of every individual, their hopes and dreams for the future.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Who Wants Migrants Rescued from the Mediterranean Sea? | Inside Story

The arguments over who should take responsibility for refugees arriving in Europe are heating up again. EU leaders have long been divided about how to handle the migrant crisis, which is being highlighted by the grueling voyage undertaken by 630 migrants now in Spain. They were stranded at sea for more than a week because of a diplomatic row. Italy and Malta refused to accept them after being rescued from overcrowded dinghies off the coast of Libya.

After much debate, the new Spanish government allowed the charity ship Aquarius and two other vessels to dock in Valencia. Anti-immigration sentiment has increased in Europe with right-wing parties who want tougher rules making gains in Austria, Germany and Italy.

There is widespread agreement that the EU needs to overhaul asylum and immigration laws, but disagreement on how. An EU summit is due to discuss new rules in Brussels at the end of this month. Can they overcome their deep divisions?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: William Lacy Swing - Director General, International Organization for Migration; Francesco Galietti - Head of Policy Sonar political risk consultancy

Monday, April 30, 2012

Breivik Visited Malta for ‘Historical Research’

TIMES OF MALTA: Breivik shot ‘several films’ in Malta

Norwegian terrorist mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik visited Malta with his mother in 2004 to conduct “historic research” for his manifesto but told the police he never made any permanent contacts on the island.

The visit came 10 days after Mr Breivik’s 25th birthday, The Times has learnt.

Mr Breivik – who is currently standing trial for killing 77 people at a summer camp organised by the ruling Labour party – gave details about his trip to the island to the Norwegian police when he was interrogated.

This is the first time details of his visit have emerged. In his manifesto, the anti-Muslim funda-mentalist listed 24 countries he had visited, including “exotic” destinations like Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Liberia, China, Mexico, Cyprus and Malta.

When the police asked him about his trip to Malta, Mr Breivik initially said he did not remember his stay on the island.

However, when the police quoted flight records showing he landed on February 23, 2004, Mr Breivik confirmed this was a week-long holiday with his mother. » | Christian Peregin | Monday, April 30, 2012

Related »

Monday, May 30, 2011

Inside Story: Malta Says Yes to Divorce

Inside Story presenter Laura Kyle, discusses with, Michael Falzon, a senior member of the "YES" Movement; David Quinn, director of pro-marriage group the Iona Institute; and Matthew Vella, editor of Malta Today.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Scheidung soll künftig in Malta erlaubt werden

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Historische Entscheidung auf Malta: Auch in dem streng katholischen Inselstaat sollen zerrüttete Ehen künftig geschieden werden können. Mit einer Mehrheit votierten die Wähler des EU-Zwerg-staates für ein gesetzliches Scheidungsrecht. Bislang war Malta der einzige EU-Staat, in dem die Ehescheidung verboten war.

Auf Malta sollen nach dem Willen der Mehrheit der Bürger Scheidungen künftig möglich sein. Dies sei das Ergebnis des am Samstag zu der Frage abgehaltenen Referendums, teilte der Regierungschef der Mittelmeerinsel, Lawrence Gonzi, am Sonntag in Valletta mit. Gonzi erklärte, das Ergebnis entspreche nicht seinen Wünschen. Der Wille des Volkes müsse aber respektiert werden, und das Parlament werde deswegen ein Gesetz zur Einführung der Ehescheidung verabschieden. Malta ist der einzige EU-Staat, in dem die Ehescheidung verboten ist. Nun ist die Ehescheidung weltweit nur noch auf den Philippinen verboten. Fast drei Jahrhunderte beherrschte der katholische Malteser-Orden die Insel - und noch heute sind 95 Prozent der 400.000 Einwohner Maltas Katholiken, die Kirchen sind stark besucht. » | KNA | Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Witness - Malta's Cry for Freedom

EU member Malta has tough censorship rules and a conservative approach to free speech, but Maltese artists and writers are fighting back

Monday, April 04, 2011

Gaddafi geht diplomatisch in die Offensive

REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND: Tripolis/Athen - Nach drei Wochen westlicher Luftangriffe und festgefahrenen Bodenkämpfen wirbt der libysche Machthaber Muammar Gaddafi für einen Waffenstillstand.

Gaddafi diplomatische Offensive stieß am Montag auf ein geteiltes Echo: Während Italien den Vorstoß aus Tripolis kategorisch zurückwies, äußerte die Türkei die Bereitschaft zur Vermittlung. Auf dem Schlachtfeld gab es dagegen keine Anzeichen für eine bevorstehende Feuerpause. Die Kämpfe um die ost-libysche Ölstadt Brega und den Rebellen-Vorposten Misrata im Westen des nordafrikanischen Landes gingen mit unveränderter Härte weiter. Die Menschen in Misrata seien "in der Hölle gefangen", sagte ein Verwundeter.

Der stellvertretende libysche Außenminister Abdelati Obeidi traf am Sonntag überraschend in Athen ein, um bei der griechischen Regierung für einen Waffenstillstand zu werben. Ein Sprecher des griechischen Außenministeriums sagte, es müsse nun abgewartet werden, ob in Libyen ein nationaler Dialog möglich sei. Die Türkei, die am Montag den Besuch Obeidis erwartete, erklärte sich zur Vermittlung bereit. Die Regierung in Ankara wolle darüber auch mit einem Vertreter der Rebellen beraten. Beide Seiten hätten mitgeteilt, wie sie über einen möglichen Waffenstillstand dächten. Der türkische Ministerpräsident Tayyip Erdogan hatte Gaddafi im März vergebens zu überzeugen versucht, einem gewählten Präsidenten oder einer gewählten Führung die Macht zu übertragen. Am Dienstag wird Obeidi auf Malta erwartet. » | © Reuters | Montag, 04. April 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Libyan Arab Airlines Aircraft Rejected: ‘Malta Was Not Willing to Risk Arrival of Undesirables’

THE MALTA INDEPENDENT ONLINE: The Libyan aircraft which was circling above Malta yesterday afternoon was denied permission to land because the government was not willing to risk the arrival of an “undesirable” in Malta, an official government spokesperson told The Malta Independent yesterday.

Italian news agency ANSA reported that, among the 14 passengers aboard the aircraft, there may have been Muammar Gaddafi’s daughter, Aisha, or one of his wives. However, “we do not know”, the spokesperson said.

The fact is that the aircraft flew to Malta unexpectedly and requested landing permission. However, the lack of a passenger manifest and the fact that the aircraft had no landing permission meant the government was not willing to take the risk.

The Libyan Arab Airlines aircraft made a request to land to the Maltese Air Traffic Control, but this was denied. It spent a while circling over the south of Malta while the decision was reconsidered, but was eventually refused permission to land and had to turn back to Tripoli. [Source: The Malta Independent Online] Chiara Bonello | Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Malta Independent Online >>>

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Maltese Anger at Plans to Rebuild Valletta

THE TELEGRAPH: Malta's citizens are up in arms over plans to rebuild the centre of their historic capital, which was bombed during World War Two.

On the evening of Tuesday, April 7, 1942 the Royal Opera Theatre was devastated by Luftwaffe bombers. Photograph: The Telegraph

It was built in the 16th century as a city fortress capable of withstanding attacks by marauding Ottoman Turks, but 500 years on a new battle is raging over the future of Valletta, Malta's historic capital.

A £90 million project envisages transforming the historic entrance to the World Heritage-listed city – a medieval gem which has remained little changed since it was built by the Knights of St John in the 1560s.

The avant-garde plan has been drawn up by world renowned Italian architect Renzo Piano, who has worked on the Pompidou Centre in Paris and Berlin's Potsdamer Platz. It was given the green light last month by Malta's government and is due to be completed by 2012 but has sparked a ferocious row among the Mediterranean island's 400,000 inhabitants.

It entails building a brand new parliament building, tearing down the existing city gate and turning Valletta's ruined Royal Opera Theatre into an open-air performance space.

The theatre, constructed in 1866, was badly bombed by the Luftwaffe in the siege of Malta during the Second World War and has lain in ruins ever since.

The then British colony was collectively awarded the George Cross by King George VI in 1942 in recognition of its bravery and resistance to the German and Italian onslaught, which brought the island close to starvation and surrender. >>> Nick Squires in Valletta | Saaturday, May 08, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bewusst ein kleines Programm: Papst Benedikt feiert sein fünfjähriges Amtsjubiläum

Das Oberhaupt der römisch-katholischen Kirche nimmt die Gratulationen von Kardinälen entgegen. Bild: NZZ Online

NZZ ONLINE: Papst Benedikt XVI. hat heute sein fünfjähriges Amtsjubiläum gefeiert. Wegen der Wirren im Zuge der aufgedeckten Missbräuche wurde bewusst ein kleines privates Programm gewählt.

Feiertag im Kirchenstaat: Fünf Jahre nach seiner Wahl zum Kirchenoberhaupt war am Montag «Papa-Day» für Joseph Ratzinger im Vatikan und in Italien.

Kleines privates Programm

In den stürmischen Zeiten der Kritik am Vatikan und nicht zuletzt auch an Benedikt XVI. wegen des Missbrauchsskandals hatte die römische Kurie nur ein kleines privates Programm für ihren Oberhirten vorbereitet. Es drückte aber dennoch ein «Zusammenrücken» der Kardinäle aus, die Solidarität mit Papst Benedikt demonstrierten.

Etwa 50 Purpurträger aus aller Welt luden Benedikt zum Mittagessen in den prunkvollen Ducale-Saal des Apostolischen Palastes ein. So hatten sie bereits 2007 den 80. Geburtstag des Deutschen gefeiert, den die Italiener «Papa Benedetto» nennen. Kardinalsdekan Angelo Sodano hatte das Mahl in lockerer Atmosphäre auf den Weg gebracht – ein Festessen und keine Krisensitzung sollte es sein[.]

Nicht allein

Der Papst fühle «sehr stark, dass er nicht allein ist», berichtete die Vatikanzeitung «Osservatore Romano» von dem gemeinsamen Essen. Er habe in Anspielung auf den Missbrauchsskandal auch von der Qual einer «verwundeten und sündigen» Kirche gesprochen, die dabei aber auf die Hilfe Gottes vertraue. >>> sda/dpa | Montag, 19. April 2010

NZZ ONLINE: Papst-Messe im Freien: Höhepunkt des Malta-Besuchs – Papst Benedikt XVI. hat zum Höhepunkt seines Malta-Besuchs am Sonntag zusammen mit zehntausenden Gläubigen eine Messe im Freien gefeiert. Das Kirchenoberhaupt rief in Floriana die Katholiken eindringlich dazu auf, fest im Glauben zu bleiben und die Werte der Kirche zu bewahren. >>> sda/dpa | Sonntag, 18. April 2010

LE POINT: Le pape remercie les cardinaux de leur soutien au 5e anniversaire de son pontificat >>> AFP | Lundi 19 Avril 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pope Benedict in the Land of Nod!

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Pope Benedict XVI briefly nodded off in front of tens of thousands of people during an outdoor mass in Malta's capital, Valletta.

Bishop Guido Marini gently wakes up Pope Benedict XVI. Photo: The Sunday Telegraph

The Pope slumped forward around halfway through the mass, which was held just outside the historic stone walls encircling the city.

He had to be roused by the Vatican's master of ceremonies, Bishop Guido Marini, who was sitting next to him and gently nudged him.

"It was just for a few seconds," said an onlooker. "He slumped forward onto his chest."

Although the pontiff spent only 26 hours in Malta after flying in from Rome on Saturday, he had a busy and tiring schedule of events – meeting dignitaries and Malta's president, waving to crowds from his "Pope-mobile" and expressing his sorrow to a group of sex abuse victims.

But his apparent exhaustion is also a reflection of his age – he turned 83 on Friday. Pope falls asleep during mass >>> Nick Squires in Valletta | Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pope ‘Prays and Weeps’ with Malta Sex Abuse Victims

Pope Benedict greets the faithful in Floriana, Malta. Photograph: The Sunday Times

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Victims of clerical sex abuse in Malta have described how they wept as they prayed with the Pope today after he agreed to meet them on his trip to the island. They said that the Pope also had “tears in his eyes”.

The eight victims, who were abused systematically at an orphanage in Malta in the 1980s and 1990s, have long campaigned for the Church authorities to recognise their suffering in the face of decades of cover-ups from the Vatican downwards.

Vatican officials said that the Pope, who the Vatican claims has “done more than anyone” to clean up the Church, was “deeply moved” by the men’s descriptions of their experiences and had expressed “shame and sorrow”.

The Vatican confirmed that the men, who were “sexually abused by members of the clergy” as children and teenagers, had prayed with the pontiff in the chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature at Rabat, in Malta, after he returned from an open air Mass at Valletta, Lawrence Grech, 37, the spokesman for the group of former pupils at St Joseph’s Home, in Santa Venera, said: “We all cried”. He added: “After 25 years now I can go back to church.” Asked if the Pope had apologised for the abuse, he said: “He did not have to say sorry because the abuse was not the fault of one person.”

No media were allowed at the encounter, which began and ended with a silent joint prayer, Father Federico Lombardi, the papal spokesman said.

In a statement the Vatican said: “The Pope was deeply moved by their stories and expressed his shame and sorrow over what victims and their families have suffered.

“He prayed with them and assured them that the Church is doing, and will continue to do, all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse and to implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future.” >>> Richard Owen in Valletta | Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sous les attaques, le pape Benoît XVI défend les valeurs chrétiennes à Malte

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: LA VALETTE | Le pape Benoît XVI a trouvé dimanche un accueil chaleureux sur la très catholique île de Malte qu'il a invitée à "défendre" les valeurs chrétiennes.

Le pape Benoît XVI lors d'une messe sur la place des Greniers à Floriana, à Malte, le 18 avril 2010. Photo : Tribune de Genève

Tout au long de sa visite éclair, il s'est félicité des positions défendues par le plus petit pays de l'Union européenne (443.000 habitants), comme l'interdiction du divorce et de l'avortement.

"Je vous encourage à continuer à faire ainsi. Tout ce que le monde d'aujourd'hui propose n'est pas digne d'être accepté par le peuple de Malte", a dit le pape dans son homélie prononcée en anglais, au cours de la messe célébrée place des Greniers à Floriana, devant des dizaines de milliers de personnes enthousiastes qui brandissaient des portraits du souverain pontife ou des drapeaux blanc et or, couleurs du Vatican.

"Votre nation doit continuer à défendre l'indissolubilité du mariage ainsi que la vraie nature de la famille", avait-il déjà déclaré, à son arrivée la veille, au président maltais George Abela.

Le message a été très bien reçu dans l'île qui compte 95% de catholiques. >>> AFP | Dimanche 18 Avril 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pope’s Visit to Malta Overshadowed by Paedophile Priest Scandal

TIMES ONLINE: The damage done by the child abuse scandal has been compounded by a lack of coherent response from those at the top

Graffiti. Photo: Times Online

A papal trip to Malta would not normally attract world attention, but these are not normal times in the Vatican. The Pope’s first overseas engagement since the sex abuse scandal embroiled the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy will take place in the full glare of the media — the same media that some of his supporters accuse of waging a campaign against him and their religion.

The blame game — the Vatican has also attributed its woes to homosexuals, the Holocaust, the Irish, and even the Devil — speaks to a wider problem in the Church’s handling of accusations that it conspired to cover up paedophilia committed by its clergy. Only in the past few days have Vatican officials scrambled to find a coherent strategy to try to control a scandal that has inflicted immeasurable damage on the institution.

“The problem is not that the Vatican line over the crisis has had unfortunate consequences,” said Andrea Tornielli, the biographer of Pope Benedict XVI and other modern pontiffs. “The problem is that there is no line.”

Even as the Pope faced accusations that he had covered up instances of clerical abuse while Archbishop of Munich from 1977 to 1982, and later as head of doctrine at the Vatican for 24 years, there was no co-ordinated rebuttal. In the corporate world, the response to such a public relations disaster would be crisis management, but the Vatican’s ancient bureaucracy, and a centuries-old culture of secrecy is ill equipped to meet the demands of communications strategies.

“We are not a multinational,” Father Federico Lombardi, the Pope’s spokesman, said recently. The Holy See, he said, “does not believe it is necessary to respond to every single document taken out of context”.

Asked during a rare briefing for reporters whether there had been urgent meetings in the Vatican over the abuse scandal, he looked baffled. Didn’t he feel that the Vatican was under siege? “No. We issue clarifications when necessary,” he replied, pointing to the publication on the Vatican website of church rules on abuse, making it clear for the first time that bishops must go to the police.

The reality, however, is that new abuse stories have appeared almost daily, and Father Lombardi, 68, a genial and mild-mannered Jesuit from Piedmont, northern Italy, has struggled without any apparent strategy or guidance from higher up in the Church.

Instead, stories involving abuse at the hands of priests have been dismissed as “petty gossip” or “idle chatter”. Contentious remarks by cardinals and bishops — blaming the stories on a Jewish conspiracy, for instance — have added to the furore. >>> Richard Owen in Rome | Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lockerbie Bomber Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi Releases Appeal Dossier

TIMES ONLINE: The Lockerbie bomber today released the papers that he believes would have secured his release on appeal.

In an act of revenge on the Scottish legal system Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi published the 300-page dossier which challenges key planks of the prosecution case against him.

The papers detail how his identification as the man who purchased clothing found wrapped around the bomb that caused the explosion of Pan Am Flight 103 was flawed. The evidence by Maltese shopkeeper Tony Gauci was crucial to the Libyan's conviction.

It also argues there was insufficient evidence to prove the date of the purchase and questions the prosecution's claim that the bomb was planted at Luqa airport in Malta.

Al-Megrahi said in a statement: “I have returned to Tripoli with my unjust conviction still in place.

“As a result of the abandonment of my appeal, I have been deprived of the opportunity to clear my name through the formal appeal process.

“I have vowed to continue my attempts to clear my name.” >>> Charlene Sweeney | Friday, September 18, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dignitaries from Around the World to Attend 40th Anniversary of the Revolution

THE TRIPOLI POST: Heads of State and Government from Around [sic] the World [sic] to Attend [sic] the 40th Anniversary of the Revolution.

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela will be among a large number of heads of state and government will be visiting Libya this week to take part in the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Great Al Fateh Revolution.

Among these dignitaries there will also be Malta's President George Abela.

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will also visit Libya on September 1.

A statement issued on Thursday by the Foreign Ministry of the Philippines the visit would sustain the excellent ties that have existed between the Philippines and Libya since 1976, when diplomatic ties were first established.

Also special envoy of Chinese President Hu Jintao, Jiang Weixin, also Chinese Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, is to attend the celebration of the 40th anniversary. >>> | Sunday, August 30, 2009