Friday, September 11, 2015

Saudi Arabia Won’t Take Any Syrian Refugees, But Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Them in Germany

JIHAD WATCH: This tells you all you need to know about the “refugee” crisis in Europe. It is, as I said, a hijrah: a migration for the sake of Allah, to plant Islam in a new land. If they were really refugees, the Saudis would take them. But no, they are invaders, and the Saudis are offering to make things easier for them by providing them with facilities for the invasion — remember, four separate studies since 1998 have shown that 80% of Saudi-funded mosques in the U.S. teach hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity to replace the Constitution with Sharia. » | Robert Spencer | Thursday, September 10, 2015

TAGES ANZEIGER: Saudischer König will für Flüchtlinge in Deutschland 200 Moscheen bauen » | Dienstag, 8. September 2015