Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary: We Will Impose Sharia in British Caliphate

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: A Muslim majority will one day impose sharia law in Britain, the US and much of western Europe, according to radical cleric Anjem Choudary.

Muslims will dominate the West and impose a return to the harsh moral code of the 13th century Arabian caliphate, Choudary told the US network CBN News. The interview has just emerged on a rightwing website, which has published the interview for the first time in the UK.

The interview was recorded shortly after Choudary's Sharia4UK group was banned by Whitehall.

"Innevitably, I'm convinced, I'm 100% certain that the sharia will be implemented in America and in Britain one day," said the preacher, who had been linked to Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebolawe, the two suspects in the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich.

"If we have enough authority and power, we are obliged as Muslims to take the power away from the people who have it, and implement sharia law."

Choudary, who trained as a solicitor, founded the al-Muhajiroun extremist group with the militant leader Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad. That group was banned in 2004, but has re-emerged under different names and in various guises.

Choudhary continued: "If people are afraid of having their hands cut, don't steal. If you don't want to be stoned to death, don't commit adultery. » | Timur Moon | Thursday, June 13, 2013